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Ischemic damage in the hippocampus: A silver impregnation and immunocytochemical study in the rat.

About the publication

ČÍŽKOVÁ, Dáša - VANICKÝ, Ivo - GOTTLIEB, Miroslav - MARŠALA, Jozef. Ischemic damage in the hippocampus: A silver impregnation and immunocytochemical study in the rat. In: Archives Italiennes De Biologie. 1996. ISSN 0003-9829, Vol. 134, č. 4(1996), s. 279-290.
(1996: 0.625 - IF)
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Archives Italiennes De Biologie
Vol. 134, č. 4(1996), s. 279-290
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1996: 0.625 - IF


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