Publication output

Acanthocephalans of the genus Centrorhynchus (Palaeacanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae) of birds of prey (Falconiformes) and owls (Strigiformes) in Slovakia.

About the publication

KOMOROVÁ, Petronela - ŠPAKULOVÁ, Marta - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - UHRIN, Marcel. Acanthocephalans of the genus Centrorhynchus (Palaeacanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae) of birds of prey (Falconiformes) and owls (Strigiformes) in Slovakia. In: Parasitology Research. 2015. ISSN 0932-0113, Vol. 114, č. 6(2015), s. 2273-2278.
(2015: 2.027 - IF, 89 - H-index, 2.096 - IF 5y, 0.967 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q)
ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
35 %
UHRIN Marcel
5 %
UVMP share:
60 %
Parasitology Research
Vol. 114, č. 6(2015), s. 2273-2278
Country of issue:
United States
Research area:
200 - Veterinary Sciences
2015: 2.027 - IF, 89 - H-index, 2.096 - IF 5y, 0.967 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q


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