Publication output

The use of serum proteins in the laboratory diagnosis of health disorders in ruminants : [Využitie bielkovín krvného séra v laboratórnej diagnostike porúch zdravotného stavu u prežúvavcov]

About the publication

TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - MIHAJLOVIČOVÁ, Xénia - NAGY, Oskar. The use of serum proteins in the laboratory diagnosis of health disorders in ruminants : [Využitie bielkovín krvného séra v laboratórnej diagnostike porúch zdravotného stavu u prežúvavcov] In: Ruminants - The Husbandry, Economic and Health Aspects : ED, Muhammad Abubakar. The Husbandry, Economic and Health Aspects. 1. vyd. Rijeka : InTech, 2018. ISBN 978-1-78923-048-2, online, s. 105-146 [3,45AH]
AEC - Scientific works in foreign peer-reviewed scientific proceedings, monographs
5 %
30 %
UVMP share:
95 %
Autori vydania:
Ruminants - The Husbandry, Economic and Health Aspects
The Husbandry, Economic and Health Aspects
online, S. 105-146 [3,45AH]
Issue number:
1. vyd.
Place of issue:
Country of issue:
Research area:
200 - Veterinary Sciences


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