Publication output

Nickel seminal concentrations in various animals and correlation to spermatozoa quality.

About the publication

ZEMANOVÁ, Jana - LUKÁČ, Norbert - MASSANYI, Peter - TRANDŽÍK, Jozef - BURÓCZIOVÁ, Mónika - NAĎ, Pavel - CAPCAROVÁ, Marcela - STAWARZ, Robert - SKALICKÁ, Magdaléna - TOMAN, Róbert - KORÉNEKOVÁ, Beáta - JAKABOVÁ, Daniela. Nickel seminal concentrations in various animals and correlation to spermatozoa quality. In: Journal of Veterinary Medicine A. 2007. ISSN 0931-184X, Vol. 54, č. 6 (2007), s. 281-286.
(2007: 0.702 - IF, 0.976 - IF 5y, Q2 - JCR Best Q)
ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
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LUKÁČ Norbert
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TOMAN Róbert
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Journal of Veterinary Medicine A
Vol. 54, č. 6 (2007), s. 281-286
Research area:
2007: 0.702 - IF, 0.976 - IF 5y, Q2 - JCR Best Q


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