Publication output

Evaluation of the sensitivity of individual test organisms to residual concentrations of selected types of anticoccidial drugs.

About the publication

KOŽÁROVÁ, Ivona - MÁTÉ, Dionýz. Evaluation of the sensitivity of individual test organisms to residual concentrations of selected types of anticoccidial drugs. In: Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy. 2000. ISSN 0042-4870, Roč. 44, č. 2 (2000), s. 187-192.
ADE - Scientific papers in other foreign journals
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0 %
Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy
Roč. 44, č. 2 (2000), s. 187-192
Country of issue:
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2000: 0.250 - IF, Q3 - JCR Best Q


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