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Comparison of various methods for penicillin residue detection in cow milk after intramammary and parenteral treatment.

About the publication

POPELKA, Peter - NAGY, Jozef - POPELKA, Pavol - SOKOL, Jozef - HAJURKA, Jaroslav - CABADAJ, Rudolf - MARCINČÁK, Slavomír - BUGARSKÝ, Andrej. Comparison of various methods for penicillin residue detection in cow milk after intramammary and parenteral treatment. In: Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy. 2003. ISSN 0042-4870, Roč. 47, č. 1 (2003), s. 203-209.
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Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy
Roč. 47, č. 1 (2003), s. 203-209
Country of issue:
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2003: 0.190 - IF, Q4 - JCR Best Q


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